The Journal for Counselling and Development Southern Africa (JCDHESA) is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to creating a platform for practitioners, researchers, and other persons working in student counselling services to share their knowledge, experiences, and research findings. Your work is integral to our mission. As the research-based dissemination platform for the South African Association for Counselling and Development in Higher Education (SAACDHE), JCDHESA aims to promote staff’s holistic development and professionalism in counselling and development centres. 

By publishing in JCDHESA, you will contribute to advancing knowledge and practice in student counselling services and supporting the mission of SAACDHE to promote the holistic development and professionalism of staff in counselling and development centres. 

We are committed to developing the counselling and development community in Southern Africa, and we look forward to receiving your contributions and sharing them with this supportive and progressive network.

Special invitation for the 2025 issue

We are particularly interested in receiving submissions from presenters and attendees of the 2024 annual SAACDHE conference. The goal of the first issue of 2025 will be to give voice to the valuable contributions and insights shared during the conference. We invite you to submit a paper based on your conference presentation, poster, or workshop for publication in JCDHESA. Additionally, attendees may submit essays reflecting their experiences of the 2024 and earlier conferences. 

Submission guidelines

 Authors can choose to submit their papers in on of the following categories: 

An extended abstract

  • A word count of 600–1200 words.
  • The purpose of an extended abstract would be to provide readers with greater insight into the paper that was presented at the conference.
  • Authors should follow publication conventions by addressing the following:
    • Abstract (40-80 words)
    • Introduction (including a clear indication of the problem being addressed) (80-200 words) 
    • Goal of the paper or study (Approximately 50-100 words) 
    • Literature review (Approximately 150-250 words)
    • Methodology (if applicable) (Approximately 50-150 words)
    • Results and discussion (150-300 words)
    • Conclusion (including summary/synthesis of main findings, limitations, and implications) (80-200 words)
    • References (APA; 5-10 references)

A brief report

A brief article that offers greater depth than would be provided in an extended abstract.

  • The word count is limited to 2000 words.
    • Abstract (80-100 words)
    • Introduction (including a clear indication of the problem being addressed) (150-200 words)
    • Goal of the paper or study (Approximately 50-150 words)
    • Literature review (Approximately 150-300 words)
    • Methodology (if applicable) (Approximately 100-300 words)
    • Results and discussion (150-350 words)
    • Conclusion (including summary/synthesis of main findings, limitations, and implications) (150-350 words)
    • References (APA; 8-15 references)

Full article

This option would allow authors a higher word count (5000-8000). 

  • Additionally, authors could offer a more in-depth discussion of their paper compared to an extended abstract or brief report.
    • Abstract (150-200 words)
    • Introduction (including a clear indication of the problem being addressed) (500-750 words)
    • Goal of the paper or study (Approximately 200 words)
    • Literature review (Approximately 500-750 words)
    • Methodology (if applicable) (Approximately 500-750 words)
    • Results and discussion (750-1000 words)
    • Conclusion (including summary/synthesis of main findings, limitations, and implications) (500-750 words)
    • References (APA; 10-25 references)


  • 500-1000 words:
    • Introduction, body and a conclusion
    • References (if applicable)
    • Photographs can be included on condition that permission was obtained from relevant persons

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Review process

All submissions, except personal essays, will undergo a peer review. This process typically takes four to twelve weeks from the date of submission. 

Following the peer review, your submission will also undergo an editorial review to ensure it meets the standards of JCDHESA. Personal essays will be subject to editorial review to ensure that the piece is aligned with the ethos and goals espoused by the association.

Article processing charges

The JCDHESA does not invoice authors for article processing fees (APC). However, the JCDHESA is not a credit-bearing journal on approved DHET lists. It is our goal to have the journal be credit-bearing in future. However, to achieve such a lofty goal, we require your assistance and willingness to publish with us. 

Submission process

Send your submissions to Dr Henry Mason (masonh@tut.ac.za and henrymason1006@gmail.com). 


The soft deadline for submission for the first volume in 2025 is 15 December 2024. 

Submit enquiries about the journal to the editor

If you need more information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Editor, Dr Henry Mason, at masonh@tut.ac.za