News from the Eastern Cape / August 2019

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Conference Organising Committee meeting at Royal St Andrews, Port Alfred

The Eastern Cape Conference Organizing Committee had three meetings in preparation for 2019 conference. The first meeting was held on the 21st of May in East London at Walter Sisulu University (combined Library). The focus of the meeting was to report on progress and to identify additional tasks that needs any assistance/support or specific focus and to collate all information for EMC reporting in June.

The second meeting was held on the 10th of June, where the COC gave feedback to the EMC regarding conference preparations. This also provided an opportunity to get a feel for the conference venue and to receive ample input from the EMC. The outcomes of the meeting was very fruitful. The EMC gave clear guidance towards the way forward in preparation for the 2019 conference.  A major suggestion was to look into an alternative venue.

The last COC meeting was held at the new conference venue on the 20th of August 2019 at Royal St Andrews, Port Alfred. We had the honour of Nelson Mandela University Director, Dr. Phumeza Kota-Nyati who provided great input towards our planning. COC members were tasks to follow through on last tasks as we plan towards the conference. The day ended with a lovely lunch and an overview of conference venue.

Eastern Cape Conference Organizing Committee (2019)
Ms. Christine Lewis (Rhodes University) (Chair)
Ms. Thobeka Msengana (University of Fort Hare) (Administrator)
Dr. Joshua Ndlela, Ms. Nolwazi Somtsewu and Ms. Candice Chetty (Unisa)
Ms. Dalray Gradidge, Mr. Is-Haaq Lekganya (Nelson Mandela University).
Mr. Nkosithethile Sidinile, Mr. Sinethemba Nashwa, Ms. Thompho Mafune and Mr. Siphele Mgidi (Walter Sisulu University)

Thank you to all SAACDHE members and COC for their continuous support, commitment, guidance towards this association as we plan for the 40th conference. Well done and keep up with the good work.


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